Specialist Disability Accommodation

Specialized Disability Accommodation
NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation
Our specialized Disability Accommodation service offers innovative housing solutions designed specifically for individuals with significant disabilities. These accommodations are built or modified to provide the physical support needed for daily living, promoting greater independence and quality of life. From high-tech assistive technologies to customized architectural adaptations, we ensure your living environment is safe, accessible, and aligned with your personal needs. Our team works with you to find or create a space where you can thrive.

As part of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), the Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is an essential aspect that offers specialized housing choices for individuals with severe functional impairments or very high support needs. SDA provides accommodations with customized features and adjustments to address the specific requirements of residents with disabilities.

The NDIS provides funding for SDA, with eligible participants having their funding allocated within their NDIS plan. SDA support is classified into five different levels, ranging from Basic to High Physical Support, each offering specific design features and accessibility options to cater to the diverse needs of people with disabilities. SDA’s objective is to empower individuals with disabilities, ensuring they have the freedom to choose their living arrangements, irrespective of their circumstances or physical limitations, and facilitating their inclusion in the broader community.


This housing differs from traditional homes or apartments as it is specifically designed to promote independence and provide necessary support for residents. SDA accommodations are available in different types such as self-contained apartments, villas, duplexes, townhouses, or group homes, each tailored with unique accessibility and support amenities.

Our Properties

Which property would you like to call "Home" ?

375 Sqm

3 Bed   |   3 Bath   |   1 Kitchen

395 Sqm

3 Bed   |   3 Bath   |   1 Kitchen

375 Sqm

3 Bed   |   3 Bath   |   1 Kitchen

400 Sqm

3 Bed   |   3 Bath   |   1 Kitchen

410 Sqm

3 Bed   |   3 Bath   |   1 Kitchen

375 Sqm

3 Bed   |   3 Bath   |   1 Kitchen

Need to discuss a property?

Please contact us to discuss. We will find your home!